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Madonna To Cover Up For ABC?

ALTTruth: Madonna can still cause a stir. According to the The New York Post, the pop icon, who is no stranger to controversy, is in hot water with ABC. The network reportedly wants Madonna, whose latest album MDNA was released last week, to alter the new ad for her fragrance Truth or Dare. “ABC execs ordered producers of the perfume ad to digitally alter offending shots of her body in the 30-second black-and-white ad,” the Post reports. Watch the allegedly too-hot-for-TV spot in question below.

While a source told the Post, “ABC viewed the ad [and] came back with a list of changes. They say they want her bra digitally made bigger, and to extend higher to cover more of her chest, and her corset longer to cover more of her bottom. ABC also wants to cut another suggestive scene where Madonna writhes around,” a rep for ABC told Hollywood.com, “We never comment on our client’s business, but we do review all commercial material to ensure it’s appropriate for a mass audience and is scheduled in appropriate time periods.”

So will, or should, Madge — whose risqué video for“Girl Gone Wild” currently has an age restriction on YouTube — have to cover up for television audiences? (ABC reportedly wants the edited ad to only run after 9 p.m.) Or have you seen more skin in a Victoria’s Secret commercial?

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Additional reporting by Lindsay DiMattina

Follow Aly on Twitter @AlySemigran

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