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The Celebrity Change-Up: When Stars Swap Lives

In this week’s The Change-Up, Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds lead completely different lives—each envious of the other’s—until a drunken wish comes true, and Bateman’s Dave is suddenly thrust into the enviable life of bachelorhood while Reynolds’ Mitch acquires the wife and kids he’d always wanted.

It’s a concept that got us thinking: What if celebs with similar disparities swapped lives and careers?


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Kristen Stewart and Snooki:


One detests attention; the other would quite possibly cease to live without it. One is, you might say, a tad serious, loath to force even the most insincere of smiles upon her tortured-artist face; the other genuinely might not even know the word serious. But the real reason this swap needs to happen is so we could all witness the should-be-SNL-skit that is Snooki in the Twilight franchise and Stewart on Jersey Shore.

Seth Rogen and Mel Gibson:


It’s not just religion that separates them, but it sure as hell would be the most fun aspect of this change-up. Picture Mel in the next Judd Apatow flick, bantering R-ratedly with guys like Segel and Baruchel on Bar Mitzvahs and such. (Oy!) And then mentally replace Gibson’s vitriolic, vulgar voice message to Oksana Grigorieva with a Rogen version: stoner drawl, stoner laugh, vaguely Canadian accent … He could make all of Mel’s forthcoming public disasters even funnier!

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Werner Herzog and Ryan Seacrest:


“Ziss … is zee American Idol!!!” Herzog, the iconic German auteur behind everything from Fitzcarraldo to Grizzly Man, would probably be up for this swap—if only because he’s always game for a social experiment or challenge. Seacrest, meanwhile, could parlay his transformation into an E! reality show.

Lindsay Lohan and Christina Hendricks:


Lindsay could finally be considered a sex symbol AND a legitimate actress, the dichotomy she’s worked so damned hard to achieve. And in such a switcheroo, Hendricks could pick up right where Lindsay left off: appearances at court wearing inappropriately skintight attire and appearances out of court wearing tops that, wouldn’t ya know it, just seem to keep falling off! Maybe? Please?

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Larry David and Daniel Day-Lewis:


Think about it: Daniel Day-Lewis needs to conquer the art of comedy; he needs to. Instead of going Method or merely shadowing a source of inspiration, he could literally become that person. As for L.D. – well, they say beneath every great comedian is a great dramatist (or something like that). Come to think of it, maybe they’re not so different…


Jay-Z and Michael Caine: “I possess 99 predicaments; however, a Cockney bird shan’t be one such.”

Christopher Mintz-Plasse and James Gandolfini: Because there might be a Sopranos movie someday on which Gandolfini passes. Enter McLovin.

Zach Galifianakis and Leonardo DiCaprio: They’re not only polar opposites in the looks department. Facial hair, too.

Sarah Silverman and Judi Dench: Silverman would have to seriously curb her talk about doodie and arm hair, because that’s not Dame-like!

Verne Troyer and Tommy Lee Jones: I mean … why the hell not? Answer us that.

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