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Will Ferrell, Cher, Kathy Griffin, and More Make Pro-Obama Videos

ALTWill Ferrell and Cher have a favor to ask of you, America. No, not to forgive them for Bewitched and Burlesque, respectively. Rather, they want you to go out and vote for President Barack Obama tomorrow on Election Day. Both stars, among others in Hollywood, have made re-election campaign videos in support of the POTUS. 

Ferrell’s approach, unsurprisingly, was to go for the funny bone to hook voters. Well, that, and promising to do anything they wanted if it got them to head to the polls on November 6. Yes, anything

The actor/comedian/”founder of Facebook” will cook you a homemade dinner, move your couch with his van, give you a tattoo, do a special dance for you, eat garbage, and make you an owl if you vote for Obama — which The Campaign star describes while holding a football as a “slam dunk.” Watch the clip below:

While Cher and her pal Kathy Griffin‘s video, whose focus was more anti-Mitt Romney and GOP, certainly had its share of laughs, too, the legendary singer meant business. Cher called the recent wave of Republican politicians’ stance on women’s rights (including Richard Mourdock‘s controversial declaration that pregnancies from rape are a “gift from God” and Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan‘s definition of “forceable rape”) “sick stuff” and urged viewers to “do something for your country, come together, protect women’s rights.” In the words of Griffin: “This is Cher, bitches. Do what she says!” See it here: 

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But celebs like Cher, Griffin, Ferrell, and recently, Lena Dunham aren’t just stepping in front of the camera to show their support. Case in point: Edward Norton. The Oscar-nominated actor doesn’t actually appear in his Obama video (he and Moneyball director Bennett Miller created their “We Hold These Truths” video) and just might have the most impactful clip of them all. Everyday Americans explaining why they are voting on Tuesday? Those are the real stars. Check it out: 

Which celebrity’s Obama video was the most effective or, at the very least, entertaining? Or has Mr. Burns already locked it down for Romney when it comes to celebrity support clips? Sound off in the comments section!


Lena Dunham Compares Voting to Sex and Causes A Stir, Because Of Course

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