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Emmy Rossum Recalls Weight-Shaming Experiences After Jennifer Lawrence’s Revelation

Emmy Rossum has recalled several incidents in which female and male producers have told her not to gain weight in the wake of Jennifer Lawrence’s “nude line-up” tale.

Following The Hunger Games star’s admission that she was forced to strip down and take part in a line-up with other, thinner, actresses in a bid to encourage her to lose weight, Emmy took to Twitter to reveal her own similar experiences in Hollywood.

“The last few days I have been blown away by all the women coming forward to share their stories. Ones that feel immediately sadly familiar,” she began. “2005. The day of my first big magazine cover shoot. I am 19 years old. Proud. Excited. Nervous. We shoot all morning. Then break for lunch.

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“Photographer see me put a piece of cake on my plate. Comes over and says ‘You’re not really going to eat that, are you sweetheart?’ I stare at him in defiance. I place a SECOND piece of cake on my plate. I eat it as I stare him down, daring him to make another comment.”

But Shameless actress Emmy added that it’s not only men who have made derogatory remarks about her appearance or weight during her time in the industry.


“The story Jennifer Lawrence told about being made to feel not thin enough, not pretty enough, constantly physically compared to others…


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… broke my heart and felt all too familiar,” she continued. “I have had FEMALE producers make comments to me about what I’m putting in my mouth. Things like ‘Don’t get fat. No one will watch this.'”

Going forward, 31-year-old Emmy is keen for the industry to be “kinder (and) more supportive” of how everyone can “build each other up. To be our best selves”.

“We will get in the pool & swim and tread water and lift each other up. We will not sit on each others shoulders and hold each other down,” she concluded. “I am proud of us. That’s all.”

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