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The Wrath of Mrs. Eminem

What was worse for Eminem today? Going to court? Or reading the local newspaper? In a Michigan court today, the bestseller rapper pleaded not guilty to assault and weapon charges stemming from a weekend nightclub brawl.

And in the Detroit Free Press today, Em’s old lady dissed him big time for the aforementioned weekend nightclub brawl.

A little background: Early Sunday at the Hot Rocks Cafe in Warren, Mich., Eminem (real name: Marshall Mathers) allegedly conked another man over the head with a 9mm handgun because, prosecutors say, he caught the guy (one John Guerra) smooching with Mrs. Eminem (real name: Kim Mathers).

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Four people, including the hip-hopster, were arrested. But in a letter to the Free Press, Eminem’s better half seems to hold one party in particular responsible.

“My husband came up to Hot Rocks to check up on me,” Kim Mathers writes. “Why is still unknown to me because if I was to cheat on him, it wouldn’t be in a neighborhood bar where he knows I am. Had he asked any questions before he flew off the handle, he would have realized that everyone with me (both male and female) were only friends. The fact that he just jumped to conclusions has gotten him and myself in trouble.”

And another thing, says the Mrs.: “I would also like to state, since my husband has had no problem trying to make me look like an unfaithful wife, that every time I find a picture of him with other women, or read in magazines that he’s involved with ‘groupies,’ I don’t go and show up where he is making a huge scene and getting our faces put all over the TV and papers.”

The 27-year-old Eminem is currently free on $10,000 bail, which is a good or a not-so-good thing, depending on whether he chooses to go home.

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