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Sarah Jessica Parker: ‘The True Cost really changed me’

Sarah Jessica Parker reveals “the documentary The True Cost really changed me”, in an interview with The Edit. The true cost of a bargain shirt could be human life.

Produced by Livia Firth, the fashion force behind Hollywood’s increasingly popular Green Carpet Challenge, this documentary takes you inside the brutally harsh life of sweatshop workers. Viewers will get a rarely-seen glimpse into the lives of garment workers sewing tirelessly to turn out clothes at backbreaking speed for fast fashion brands.

The movie focuses on one garment worker, Shima Akhter, 23, in Bangladesh, an epicenter for sweatshops and the site of the fatal Rana Plaza collapse, where over 1,000 garment workers were killed after being shoved into an uninhabitable factory that collapsed on them. The film follows Akhter’s difficult life where she faces extreme poverty, harassment at her job, and struggles to provide for her daughter.

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Up there with An Inconvenient Truth, this is one of the most important documentaries of recent times, opening our eyes to the “true cost” of cheap labor. Clothing labels stating where clothes are made take on a whole new meaning after watching this film and learning of the nightmarish conditions endured by those who make our clothes in certain parts of the world.

Fast fashion also has a major negative impact on the environment through the excessive use of chemicals causing water pollution, shipment of clothes causing carbon dioxide emissions, an ever-increasing amount of clothing waste causing overflowing landfills, and the use of microplastics in synthetic materials such as polyester causing plastic pollution.

The True Cost, 2015, features Stella McCartney.

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