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Michael Fassbender Officially Joins ‘At Swim-Two-Birds’

michael f assbenderOh, the internet and her silly rampant rumors. For a while now it was rumored that Michael Fassbender would join Brendan Gleeson’s (Harry Potter, 28 Days Later) directorial debut, At Swim-Two-Birds, and now his involvement has become official. Like, facebook official you guys. How Fassbender will find the time to make the movie in between his fifteen thousand (*literally) other projects he’s attached himself to still remains to be seen. Who knew actors had work ethic?

At Swim-Two-Birds is the recent Irish classic novel that is considered one of the greatest uses of ‘meta’ ever penned. The confusing plot involves three separate stories being told by an unnamed Irish student that begin to bleed into one another until a revolt begins to happen against the author. Should make for an interesting film, to say the least. Besides directing, Gleeson has attached himself to appear in the movie as well as Colin Farrell, Cillian Murphy, and Gabriel Byrne. That’s a lot of accents.

* – Yeah, not literally.

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Source: ComingSoon

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