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Moviemaker McG’s Fear of Flying Cost Him ‘Superman’

Charlie’s Angels moviemaker McG passed on the chance to bring Superman back to the big screen because he’s terrified of flying.

The claustrophobic director was the first choice to make the fifth Superman movie but he refused to fly to Sydney, Australia, to begin work.

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The Usual Suspects

director Bryan Singer has taken charge of the project, instead.

He explains, “I didn’t want to fly down there… I don’t really freak out that we’re gonna crash but I freak out [when] everything’s great and you’re at 40,000 feet and then you realize you’re in a steel tube and you can’t get out of there and there’s nothing but water everywhere when you look down.”

Fearing that his flying fears could impact the rest of his career, McG, real name Joseph Nichol, is trying to conquer his fears with private lessons in keeping his cool while in the air.

He adds, “I’m getting better. I mean I try to figure it out and charter a plane and get used to it and do some more flying… It helped me just figure out what was going on and just get more comfortable.”

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