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Trivia Quiz: A Salute to Plastic Surgery

[IMG:L] “Gasp! Another wrinkle? They’re spreading!”

Do you catch yourself staring in the mirror at the lines under your eyes, secretly thinking to yourself, “What does George Clooney have that I don’t have?” Or, when nobody around is looking, do you glance downward, pull in your chin and quietly wonder what you’d look like with Pamela Anderson‘s, er, nose?

The majority of Americans do just that–they obsess over little things, but then move on. At the end of the day, aging is unavoidable. Or, is it?

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In recognition of National Doctor’s Day, Hollywood.com sets the record straight with the cutting edge trivia quiz: A Salute to Plastic Surgery.

Test your knowledge on the ins and outs of plastic surgery, as well as on those who love it. Studying up on plastic surgery is such the guilty pleasure … but, put those feelings of guilt aside, the quiz is not only entertaining–but informative!

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