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Stone’s ‘Savages’ Adds Mia Maestro

Mia MaestroOliver Stone, man who has brought us enough amazing films to allow us to overlook his terrible ones, has just added a new cast member to his upcoming Savages: Mia Maestro—notable for her inclusion in the Twilight Saga. Maestro will be playing a former gang member donning the guise of a “soccer mom.”

Savages is an elaborate story about the ransom of a joint-girlfriend (whatever that could mean) to a pair of the world’s finest pot growers and distributors. The antagonists are represented by a Mexican drug cartel who demand a ransom for the hostage girlfriend, played by Blake Lively. Sounds very Oliver Stoney.

The two aforementioned heroes will be played by Aaron Johnson of Kick-Ass and Taylor Kitsch. Maestro’s husband in the film will be portrayed by the unstoppable Benicio del Toro.

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Maestro will be reuniting with Frida costar Salma Hayek. Other notable players include John Travolta and Uma Thurman (let’s hope there’s dancing), as well as Emil Hirsch.

The film is set to reach theaters September 28 of 2012…just in time for Stone to slap together an apocalypse film in his usual uncomfortably timely fashion.

Source: Comingsoon


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