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Will Smith Deems Emma Thompson Worthy To Write ‘Annie’ Remake

emma thompsonI’d like to imagine Will Smith, in his own little head, has deemed himself King and rules from a giant throne. He has a royal cloak that he wears inside out (because he’s a cool king) and when he deems you worthy of a royal assignment from his grace, he taps you on the shoulder with his fresh scepter. This is how my mind works.

Anyway, Smith and Jay-Z have together deemed Emma Thompson worthy enough to pen the script for their Annie remake to star Smith’s daughter, Willow. Since he got his son Jaden the Karate Kid franchise, Willow gets Annie. And since Smith and Jay-Z are bffs now, they’ll be collaborating too.

At first I was pretty interested to see this remake. I generally regard Annie about as well as I regarded the original Karate Kid, but Smith’s remake won me over. And considering Will and Willow are more well known for their musical abilities than their karate skills, Annie seemed like a more appropriate remake. But with Emma Thompson? That just seems… bizarre. Sure, she wrote the Nanny McPhee movies and she’s become chums with Smith on Men in Black III, so that explains the justification. But she won an Oscar for writing a Sense and Sensibility adaptation! Do we really need that kind of talent behind Annie? Oh well, I guess King Smith wants for nothing when it comes to his little girl.

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Source: ComingSoon

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