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Will Smith: Pimp Slapping the Shiznit Out of Andy Warhol in ‘Men in Black 3’ Trailer


ALTThe road to Men in Black 3 has been full of twists and turns, with star negotiations, production delays, a boatload of writers having their hands on the script and a general “why is this actually happening” reaction from most of those aware of the film’s existence. But for a movie maligned by pre-judgment, the final product hasn’t looked half bad. And why should it? This is Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones picking up their old routine, after all, a franchise that grossed nearly $1 billion worldwide. Men in Black is weird, goofy and family friendly and the third installment appears to carry on that legacy.

A full-length trailer for Men in Black 3 has landed on our planet and features plenty of what we love about the series: Will Smith dropping one-liner after one-liner, Jones’ usual gruff self, a colorful collection of imaginative aliens integrated not-so-subtly into the real world. But along with the familiar, there’s plenty of new to love too—mainly, Josh Borlin delivering an amazing Tommy Lee Jones impression. In the film, J (Smith) time travels back to 1969 to rescue K (Jones as the older, Brolin as the younger) from an untimely death that would wipe him out of the present. Along the way, J threatens to pimp slap Andy Warhol. Yes, this is Men in Black alright.

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Men in Black 3 arrives in theaters May 25, but the more important question that remains unanswered: when does Will Smith’s rumored MIB3 rap single drop?


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