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Best Director – Ridley Scott, “Black Hawk Down”

Film: Black Hawk Down

Previous wins for role: None

Previous Oscar wins/nominations:
Nominated for Best Director, Thelma and Louise (1991)
Nominated for Best Director Gladiator (2000)

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Bio: Ridley Scott’s films have a reputation for being visually spectacular with detailed settings, whether it be Napoleonic France (The Duellists,1977), outer space (Alien, 1979) or ancient Rome (Gladiator, 2000). While some critics have carped that this attention to the visual often comes at the expense of well-rounded characters or coherent stories, others have countered that the distinctive styles work to advance the storytelling and enhance the themes of his films.

Oscar odds: After being left out of the Golden Globes Awards, Black Hawk Down appears to be the underdog for director Scott. Plus, the film was not as popular as Gladiator, for which he was passed up for best director by the Academy last year. —Guylaine Cadorette

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