Vince has to give up the mansion to pay for the script, while Ari sets up a meeting for him and E to meet a shady prince interested in financing the flick. The deal looks promising, but complications arise when Vince picks up a sexual vibe from Prince Yair’s wife, Nika. When she calls Vince later, to set up a meeting with him at a hotel, she tells him to come alone. Vince is pretty uncomfortable with the idea and brings Eric along, which only pisses Nika off. She claims to have only wanted to talk business but now is offended.
Meanwhile, Drama, riding the wave of his TV success, receives a summons to Brett Ratner’s mansion, only to realize the director’s assistant plucked the wrong name from the “Five Towns” credits. He actually wanted Drama’s teenage co-star. Johnny refuses to leave the house without a role, so Ratner dangles a bit part as a bus driver to lure him out of the pool.
Turtle lands a date with his dream girl, Kelly, but his plans slowly crumble beneath her family’s intrusions and officially die when her dad, Rufus, chases him off. Vince has better luck with Yair, who literally serves a check on a silver platter. But there’s one caveat: Vince must go upstairs and have sex with Nika like the “superstar he is.” What his wife wants, his wife gets. With the offer on the table, the prospective financier joins Ari and E for billiards, leaving Vince to consider the rather perplexing dilemma.