Though the last two castaways voted out have been guys, Wednesday night’s episode was all about the girls.
The animosity began when Jerri made it known how much she detests Elisabeth’s cooking. Of course, Elisabeth took this harshly, setting the tense mood that dominated the episode. But this confrontation was tame compared to later events.
Even more intriguing discord was revealed after a close boomerang competition in which Jerri barely bested Amber. The prize: a catered dinner of smoked salmon, shrimp, hot rolls and iced tea. Jerri chose Amber as her dinner guest – and each vented about Tina, their former Ogakor mate. Both conspired to vote Tina out for her changing attitude and possible alliance with Keith. This was the first Ogakor insurrection since the tribes’ merge.
Back at camp, the Barramundi tore into their supplies and chowed down canned spaghetti and rice. Hostility mounted as each admitted to feeling an overwhelming calm with Jerri gone for the night.
This week’s Immunity Challenge revolved around a unique game that required each member to build a segment of a square fence one rope at a time — the twist being that the last person to complete the task was awarded a point, so strategy was key. Nick and Amber were first to complete segments, but as the game progressed, certain altruistic tribe members attempted to earn others’ good graces by leaving the last section of each segment for them to finish.
Rodger left a segment open for Colby to fill, inspiring Colby to call Rodger his “brother.” Curiously, Jerri left several segments open for Keith to fill – 17, to be exact. He easily won the Immunity necklace for the second week in a row.
At Council, the Barramundi continued to vote down party lines. All former Ogakor members voted for Alicia; all former Kucha members voted for Jerri. Alicia was ousted, 5 votes to 4.
And then there were eight