Hello, Hollywood.com users!
It’s not very often that we get a chance to chat. My name’s Leigh, and I’m the editor in chief of Hollywood.com.
You’ve probably noticed by now that the site’s had a bit of a makeover this week. Our decision to change the look was prompted largely by requests from you, our users, and I’d really be interested to know what you think now that you’ve had a few days to look things over. I hope you’ll take a moment to write to me and tell me your thoughts.
You can e-mail me at editor@boca.hollywood.com.
Remember, the more we know, the better we can make the site for you!
Here’s an overview of some of the changes we’ve already made–aside from the design:
You asked us to rethink our multimedia player, so we did. You can now find links to all the versions of our media directly in the player window, a much more convenient way of displaying it.
You asked us to rethink where we put all the content related to whatever story you’re reading, so we did that, too. Now all the content (stories, features, multimedia and photo galleries) related to the story lives at the top of that page, so if you’re looking for more information on the subject, you’ll know just where to find it.
You asked us to be more clear about our ratings on our movie reviews. Now each review shows the number of stars the film was given, and out of how many (it’s four–not five like some publications).
We’ve also made sure that you can get to the content you’ve told us you like best–movie reviews and trailers–from the left-hand side of each and every page of the site.
I hope you like these and all the other changes we’ve made–and I look forward to hearing from you.
All the best,
Leigh Johnson
Editor in Chief