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‘Lost’ Season Three: Ep. 21 “Greatest Hits”

Someone always running through the jungle at the beginning of these things. This time, it’s Alex’s boyfriend, Carl. But more on that later.

The core group (Jack, Juliet, Sayid, Kate, Sawyer, Charlie, Hurley, Desmond, Sun, Jin) are walking through a field. “Why is Jack bringing us out there?,” Charlie queries. “I don’t know, to show us stuff. Secret stuff,” Hurley says nonchalantly. Then Jack stops, “We’re here.” He explains that when Juliet came to him and told him the deal, he had to figure out what they were going to do. Hiding would be pointless, so he came up with a new idea.

Jack then yells, “Danielle!” Rousseau steps out from the surrounding jungle. “Show them,” he says. She uncovers a detonator box and touches two wires together. A tree nearby explodes. Seems she’s been gathering dynamite from the Black Rock for Jack’s planned sneak attack. Juliet will mark the tents, indicating the women who are pregnant so the Others can take them, just as Ben has asked her to do, but there won’t be any pregnant women in them when the Others get there. Instead, they’ll get another surprise.

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Jack: “When they show up, we are going to blow them to hell.” Niiice.

On the beach, everyone is preparing. Naomi asks Charlie who they are going to war with. It’s a long story, he sighs. But she recognizes him as the guy from Drive Shaft. She tells him they made a big deal about the “dead rock star” when they found the plane. There was a big memorial—and a new album. Charlie is flattered but then looks over at Desmond, who gives him one of his funny looks. Oh no, not again.

Desmond pulls Charlie away to speak with him. Yes, he has had another vision. He has seen Claire and the baby getting into a helicopter and flying off the island. Wow, that’s great, they are going to get rescued! But there’s a kicker. Desmond tells Charlie he is still going to die because if he doesn’t, no one is going to be rescued. This time, Charlie HAS to die. Yikes. That’s a lot of pressure. Charlie wants to know how he dies. Desmond tells him he is inside a hatch, a place full of equipment, and there’s a yellow light flashing. He switches off the light and then he drowns.

Juliet, Jack and Danielle are setting up the traps in the tents. Sayid wants to get Naomi’s phone to work. He believes Danielle’s signal, the one that’s been playing for 16 years, is blocking it. If they could get to the radio tower to turn it off…but Juliet interrupts. Actually, Ben is blocking ALL the signals emanating to and from the island from a hatch called the Looking Glass. It’s underwater, Juliet explains, and may be flooded, but she doesn’t know where it is. Sayid thinks he does.

Sayid shows them a map of the Looking Glass he got from the communication center. The cable in the sand, which had to lead somewhere, is the way to the hatch. Someone will have to swim down to it, get inside and flip off the switch. But it could very well be a suicide mission since it’ll probably be impossible to swim back to the top. Charlie volunteers because he was a junior swimming champion, but Jack says absolutely not.

Meanwhile, at the Others camp, Ben trudges in. Alex asks where Locke is, “John had an accident. Here’s your gun back.” Ben quickly takes action, stepping up the deadline. They are going to storm into the Losties camp right away and not wait until tomorrow. Richard is concerned Juliet won’t have everything prepared in time. “Then we’ll just have to take all the women and sort them out later,” Ben says. And the men? “If any of them are stupid enough to get in the way, kill them.” Ben means business. Alex panics and runs to tell Carl, who has been hiding in the jungle all this time, to go warn them.

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Later, Carl beaches his canoe and comes running towards the Lostie camp. Sayid tackles him, but Sawyer screams to back off; he knows him. “Carl, what are you doing here?” “My people are coming!” Sawyer explains they all know that and they are preparing to face them head on. Tomorrow night, of course. “Tomorrow? No, they are coming TONIGHT. They are on their way NOW!” Oh crap. The gang has to think fast. It’s decided three people will stay by the three marked tents with guns, to camouflage the dynamite. Rousseau will take the rest to the radio tower—and Charlie is going to go for a swim, with Desmond tagging along.

Bernard will be one of the shooters, even though Rose wants to stay with him (we almost forgot about those two). Jack won’t let her stay, of course. Then Sayid tells Jack he is also staying as one of the gunmen. Jack needs to be the one who leads them to the radio tower. It’s time for Jack to be the true leader. The third shooter? Jin. Get ready for the gunfight at the OK Corral, folks.

Claire is worried about Charlie going on this mission, but he knows he has to do this. Saying goodbye to her and the baby is painful. Then Hurley wants to go with Charlie on the boat. Charlie tells him he can’t go because he’s too big and won’t fit into the boat. He suddenly hugs Hurley, knowing he hurt his feelings. First Aaron and Claire—and now Hurley. Poor doomed Charlie.

Charlie and Desmond take off from the beach in Carl’s canoe, following the cable in the water and finding the hatch. Charlie hands Desmond a list he wants him to give Claire. It’s the five best moments of his life, his greatest hits, as it were, which we see in flashbacks: 1) The first time he and his brother hear their band Drive Shaft on the radio. 2) As a little boy, taking a leap of faith and jumping into the pool into his father’s arms. 3) Charlie in bed with two women on Christmas morning, when his brother comes in and gives Charlie the family heirloom, a ring, because he thinks Charlie is the stable one. 4) Charlie saving a woman from a mugging (wait, is that Sayid’s girlfriend?) and having her tell him he is a hero. 5) And finally, on the island, right after the crash talking to Claire for the first time.

But then Des throws Charlie for a loop and offers to swim to the hatch instead. He tells Charlie maybe he keeps seeing him die because he’s supposed to take his place. Just as Des is preparing to jump in, however, Charlie knocks him out with an oar. “You and I both know you aren’t supposed to take my place, brother.” Charlie jumps in the ocean and swims towards the hatch, making it inside just in the nick of time. It’s not flooded, after all.

“I’m alive!,” Charlie exclaims as he climbs up the ladder and collapses onto the metal railing. Suddenly, two women come running in with guns pointed. Guess he’s not alone. Oh boy, gearing up for the two-hour season finale next week!

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