Are you excited about new projects now that the Star Wars films are finally done?
George Lucas: “Yeah. I’m working on the new Indiana Jones right now, and that’s a lot of fun. It’s great to be on with something else.”
They said you were working on the screenplay while we were up there. Did you always intend to take an active hand in the screenplay, or is this something that came up?
Lucas: “I’m working with the writer, Jeff Nathanson–he’s the one who’s actually doing the writing. I’m sort of doing the coaching.”
Being there to say “This is what Indy would do and wouldn’t do,” that sort of thing?
Lucas: “Yeah.”
Do you feel that you’re out to top the earlier films, or just deliver the same type of experience?
Lucas: “I just want to make a fun movie. That’s all.”
What’s the status of the project on the Tuskegee Airmen you’ve been developing?
Lucas: “I’m working on that, too. I just had a big conference up there about it, so as soon as I finish the script for ‘Indiana Jones’ I’ll go right on to the Tuskegee script. I’ve still got to hire a writer for that one. And at the same time I’m working on the Star Wars: Clone Wars TV series. So I’m pretty busy right now.”
What’s the status of the live-action Star Wars TV series you’ve mentioned?
Lucas: “The live-action series is still a ways away, because I’ve got to get all of these other things out of the way first. It’s still going to be about nine months. You just have to do one thing at a time.”
Did you have a chance to visit with Hayden Christensen and Frank Oz and Ian McDairmid when they were up in Marin for the DVD event?
Lucas: “No. I was locked away, with the writer.”
Is that your process when writing? Focusing solely on the task at hand?
Lucas: “Yeah, once I’m writing I have to sort of be there. I can’t run around. Hopefully we’ve got about another month on it.”
Have you talked to Harrison Ford about it? Has he contributed any notions?
Lucas: “Well, when we get it finished and we’re happy with it, he’ll get to make his comments and change it and do what he wants to do with it.”
Has Steven Spielberg asked for anything specific to be included—any sort of set piece he’s dying to stage?
Lucas: “Nope, no. We were actually working on it today—we went over it, and he read part of it and he was happy, so I’m happy.”