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12 Life Lessons From ‘Orange Is The New Black’

Orange is The New Black is back and we couldn’t be more excited! The show has given a very interesting look into prison, and with that it has given us many life lessons.

1. Even in female prisons, you won’t be free from men’s sexist thinking.

orange is the new black animated GIF Giphy/Netflix

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2. Trust no new people right off the bat.

orange is the new black animated GIF Giphy/Netflix

3. People will steal just about anything from your living area, even if it doesn’t relate to them at all.

orange is the new black animated GIF Giphy/Netflix

orange is the new black animated GIF Giphy/Netflix

4. The Harry Potter fandom is not limited to the free outside world.

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harry potter animated GIF Giphy/Netflix

5. Even in prison,NEVER forget rule number one.

queen-freewood: good advice, alex.Tumblr/Netflix

6. Just about anything will taste delicious after being starved.

orange is the new black animated GIF Giphy/Netflix

7. If you don’t want none, then don’t eat other people’s food.

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orange is the new black animated GIF Giphy/Netflix

8. If you’re strapped for cash you can still be cute. Just get creative.

lesbianthropology: Show us some leg, Laverne. You beautiful woman, you. What a wonderful transnarrative they’ve begun with an awesome actress. Tumblr/Netflix

9. You never know what someone is truly dealing with.


10. There will always be a crazy, mean girl. It doesn’t matter where you are, or how old you are.


11. Just because your name is different doesn’t mean other people can mess it up.


12. When it comes to sexuality things aren’t black and white.


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