JOIN OR RENEW NOW AARP Enjoy Exclusive AARP Member Benefits

AARP Members Save More!

AARP members get 5% off all movie ticket purchases, plus exclusive monthly offers.*

How Does It Work?

To access your AARP member discount
1. Find Your AARP membership number To access your AARP membership number: CLICK HERE to log in to your AARP account. Your AARP membership number will be found under "My Account"
2. Add Tickets to Your Cart and Go to Checkout Click the ‘Buy Tickets’ button and find which movie you’d like to see on Add the tickets to your cart. At checkout, enter your AARP membership number into the ‘promo code’ field. All applicable discounts will be applied to your cart.
3. Complete Purchase and Receive Email Confirmation Upon completing your final purchase, you will receive an email containing a receipt and scannable QR code. This QR code serves as your ticket and should be presented or scanned upon arrival at the movie theater.
AARP member benefits are provided by third parties, not by AARP or its affiliates. Providers pay a royalty fee to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. Some provider offers are subject to change and may have restrictions. Please contact the provider directly for details. *The and AARP member offers are stackable which means you can apply multiple discounts available to your purchases. AARP members can receive 5% off of their movie ticket purchases along with the limited time monthly offer available to AARP members at the time of purchase, this is also inclusive of any promotions is offering outside of the AARP member offerings. (The 5% discount applies only to regular priced movie tickets and does not apply to premium movies such as IMAX or 3D. 5% off does not apply to taxes and fees associated with movie ticket purchases.)