To call Ari a shark would be a compliment. This high power agent is ruthless, relentless, and is ALWAYS at the top of his game. A frequent name-dropper, Ari is well known throughout the industry, and his clients know that even though he may be tough to work with, there may be no better agent in the industry. His wife might be able to bring him down a peg or two when she has to, but no one else can. After a power struggle with his boss, Ari was ousted from the agency that he helped build, and is now establishing Miller Gold as a major powerhouse in the industry. Unfortunately, the opportunity to build his own agency came at a price, as Vince felt that Ari had become more impersonal, with the star firing the only agent he’d ever employed. Of course, this sends the usually tough-as-nails agent into a tailspin—until his couples therapist gets him back on track. Now, Ari is fighting to get Vince back and orchestrates the Medellin deal for Vince, who sees this as an act of true loyalty. Honestly, who else can beat the doors down better than Ari?
‘Entourage’ Character Bio: Ari
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