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Episode Three – “Survivor Season Two”

This season’s starvation theme continued in the third “Survivor” installment, and the unlucky tribes now had the added burden of dealing with the elements – torrential rains. Weak from the hunger and exhausted from trying to keep dry, the survivors were beginning to show a little wear and tear.

The show started off with the Kucha tribe’s quest for food, primarily Mike’s obsession to catch and kill a wild pig. None of the other tribe members had seen a wild pig, but Mike was convinced they were out there and decided to make a spear, using the tribe’s only knife as its tip.

This put the other members off a little. Don’t get too “Lord of the Flies” on us, Mike.

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In the Ogakor tribe, the weakened members were dreading the next Challenge but held a lot of faith in their strongest member, Colby. When the Challenge came down, the tribe got pumped up because of the reward the winning tribe would receive.

An Outback fishing pack, including fishing line, nets and cleaning tools.

The Endurance Challenge consisted of the strongest members of each tribe holding water barrels on their backs – and the last one standing would win. The Kucha tribe chose Mike as their man, while Ogakor easily picked Colby.

As the members piled barrel upon barrel on the poles, the weight became almost unbearable, and Colby’s legs shook. But unexpectedly, Mike’s pole broke, leaving the Challenge winner to be determined by a race off. Which tribe could load the most water barrels in a set time period?

Answer: Ogakor

They won the Challenge and were now able to catch fish and have a feast. This was where Chef Keith scored big points by deliciously cooking the fish they caught and giving the tribe a much needed protein boost. He was still having power issues with Jerri, who had been the primary cook before Keith finally stepped up to plate. Also it looked like Jerri and Colby were getting cozier, although Jerri stated she’d vote off Colby if she had to to win. That’s loyalty for you. Maralyn or “Mad Dog,” as she lovingly is referred to, bonded with Tina. The two seemed to have a lot in common, and Maralyn confessed she did not trust Jerri.

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Back at Kucha, Kimmi was trying hard to make herself look important by becoming the water girl – getting and boiling the water for the tribe. However, it was the older Rodger who was being looked at as the weakest, even if he had basic survivor skills. Old “Kentucky Joe,” as the tribe calls him, could be a likely candidate to go next. Not in Elisabeth’s eyes, though. She was forming a strong bond with Rodger and vowed she would never write Kentucky Joe’s name down.

Alicia and Jeff co-conspired as well, vowing to make sure each made it to the final four. They did not trust Nick, who’s lazy, though they agreed that his strength would be needed in the upcoming challenges.

The Ogakor tribe were having a tough time dealing with the elements. The torrential rains made the camp a very damp and cold place, as the members tried desperately to maintain the fire. The whole tribe was lethargic and weak through the ordeal and worried about on whether they would be strong enough to face the upcoming Challenge.

The Immunity Challenge had the tribes go through an intensive obstacle course – tethered together as a team. The first tribe to have all its members cross the finish line would win. It was pure drama, with each team’s weak members falling, then carried across the finish line. For Ogakor, who led most of the race, Rodger failed at the end, falling many times. Just when Kucha seemed to be gaining, Mad Dog Maralyn fell, dragging the team behind and allowing Ogakor to win.

As the Kucha tribe prepared for the Tribal Council, it seemed that most members were edging towards booting Maralyn. However, Keith felt Mitchell was the weakest and wanted him gone. At the Council, host Jeff Probst asked the members who they trusted most. Maralyn made a strong and somewhat geniune play for the heartstrings by telling everyone how much she liked and trusted them (leaving out Jerri, of course).

But, unfortunately for Maralyn, all the heartfelt emotions were for naught as she got most of the votes, with one vote for Jerri and one for Mitchell.

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So long, Mad Dog.

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