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Sunday’s Pick: ‘Tsunami, The Aftermath’

Part one of Tsunami, The Aftermath airs Sunday at 8/7c on HBO

Part one of Tsunami, The Aftermath, an HBO original production, debuts tonight and sheds light on the devastation that resulted from the natural disaster that hit Thailand in 2004, the day after Christmas.

The gripping mini-series follows a group of fictional characters and explores the interconnectedness of their grief, and the sense of loss that gets shared across all walks of life. Several tales share the focus: a young couple searching for their child; a Thai survivor who, after losing his family, tries to prevent development on his land; an Englishwoman who can’t locate her husband and son; as well, a reporter, a relief worker and many other distraught faces who find themselves in the thick of one of history’s worst catastrophes. Starring Academy Award-nominated heavyweights, Toni ColletteTim Roth and Sophie Okonedo, the drama will inevitably be delivered with nuanced complexity and intelligence.

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Besides painting a human, emotional picture of the tragedy, the diligent producers and crew based the series on extensive research and true accounts; thankfully, they filmed on location, and had the complete support of local governments.

Part one of Tsunami, The Aftermath airs Sunday at 8/7c on HBO.

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