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Vince Vaughn Heads Back to Chicago

Old School star Vince Vaughn is turning his back on Hollywood to return to his native Chicago, Illinois.

The actor has sold his bachelor pad in Los Angeles and has bought a home in
Chicago while he shoots new film The Break-Up with Jennifer Aniston there.

He says, “I bought a place out in Chicago… I’m gonna live there for the next couple of years at least. I like Chicago… I like the people, I like the Mid-West.”

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But Vaughn fears he’ll lose touch with his agents and managers in Hollywood because he refuses to own a cell phone and he hates emailing people.

He adds, “I’m just not comfortable with them… I don’t email, I don’t do any of that stuff.

“Your agents and managers call you a lot and it’s just kind of rude–you’re sitting there having a conversation… I just don’t like being on the phone that much.

“I have been given one when I do a movie but I usually lose it… I just don’t think about it after a week or something I’ll lose it.

“If I had kids maybe I would have a cell phone, but I would prefer not to have any kids.”

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