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15 of the Most Heinous Horror Scenes

Horror movies can be downright gruesome. It’s a fact. But isn’t that just one of the reasons why we love them? Even still, there are plenty of instances within the realm of terrifying flicks that will make your skin crawl. Today’s the day to celebrate them, and we’re doing it with gusto. But have some caution: this list isn’t for the faint of heart. Here are 15 of the most heinous horror movie scenes out there. Consider this fair warning to turn around now and check out something else if you’re squeamish! Things are gonna get a little ugly.

1. The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence (2011)

IFC Midnight/Tumblr
IFC Midnight/Tumblr

Skeevy Martin Lomax, the creator of the second-ever human centipede, decided he’d had enough of his mother’s nagging and bludgeoned her head in with a crowbar. And this was in addition to sewing up a whole room of people anus to mouth.

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2. Misery (1990)

Columbia Pictures/GIPHY
Columbia Pictures/GIPHY

Annie was Paul’s biggest fan. So much, in fact, that she just couldn’t let him get away from her. So she “hobbled” him by bashing in his ankles (wedged together with a wood block) with a sledgehammer. Brutal.

3. Scanners (1981)

Avco-Embassy Pictures/GIPHY
Avco-Embassy Pictures/GIPHY

Scanners are special individuals with telekinetic powers, telepathy, and other forms of mind control. That’s demonstrated in the GIF above, where you’ll see a man’s head exploding thanks to the powerful art of practical effects.

4. Videodrome (1983)

Universal Pictures/GIPHY
Universal Pictures/GIPHY

This is the fate that awaits those who get caught up in the world of Videodrome. Well, that, and a whole lot of other disgusting things too.

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5. The ABCS of Death 2 – “Zygote” (2014)

Drafthouse Films/MakeAGif.com
Drafthouse Films/MakeAGif.com

A mother lets her child gestate in her body until she’s grown into a young woman. Then the young woman sheds her mother’s skin and becomes her.

6. Hostel (2005)

Screen Gems/GIPHY
Screen Gems/GIPHY

Not long after this innocent woman has her eye blowtorched, it’s cut from its socket by a man for sexual gratification.

7. Tusk (2014)

SModcast Pictures/GIPHY
SModcast Pictures/GIPHY

A young man in search of a great story to tell ends up being transformed into a human-walrus hybrid against his will. The reveal is shocking.

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8. Hellraiser (1987)

New World Pictures/GIPHY
New World Pictures/Tumblr

Even with hooks riddling his entire body, Hellraiser’s Frank is a creeper right up until the very end, when said hooks tear him apart.

9. The Evil Dead (1981)

New Line Cinema/GIPHY
New Line Cinema/GIPHY

While Sam Raimi’s horror classic is chock-full of violent moments, few are as visceral and terrifying as Ash gouging this poor soul’s eyeballs out. Sure, the blood looks a little like paint, but it makes for a pretty satisfying moment.

10. Saw 3D (2010)

Lionsgate Films/GIPHY
Lionsgate Films/GIPHY

The reverse bear trap once again reveals its ugly head and we get to see the results when you don’t escape it. It goes without saying that it’s extremely gruesome.

11. The Fly (1986)

20th Century Fox/GIPHY
20th Century Fox/GIPHY

Seth Brundle’s horrifying final transformation into a fly was as gruesome as it was shocking, and you’ll probably never be able to forget it.

12. Hannibal (2001)

Universal Pictures/GIPHY
Universal Pictures/GIPHY

Hannibal Lecter forces Paul Krendler to eat his own prefrontal cortex, having removed the top of Paul’s skull to accomplish this.

13. Faceless (1988)

René Chateau/GIPHY
René Chateau/GIPHY

Young women are lured into becoming victims of plastic surgeons so that they can perform a face transplant. It looks, well, a little too realistic.

14. Cube (1997)

Lionsgate Films/GIPHY
Lionsgate Films/GIPHY

A movie that’s called Cube has a guy who’s actually sliced up into little cubes. Pretty clever, right?

15. The Human Centipede: First Sequence (2009)

Bounty Films/GIPHY
Bounty Films/GIPHY

Having been sewn up anus to mouth, the poor second “centipede” part is forced to eat the first part’s excrement. Thankfully, you can’t see it here, but trust us. You know.

RELATED: The 16 Best Horror Movies of The Last Decade

And for those of you looking for something less gory, might we suggest: A Scardey Cat’s Guide To Non-Gory Horror Movies

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