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‘Company You Keep’ Ropes Anna Kendrick, Terrence Howard & Others to Earn a Diverse Audience

Sam ElliottThe headlining duo of The Company You Keep is already a double demographic: Robert Redford and Shia LaBeouf are a pair that fiftysomething fathers and their preteen daughters can enjoy together. But the film seems to have advanced this retrieval of the omni-audience to a do-or-die mission.

August saw the film grab the very up-and-coming Brit Marling, and, shortly after, a slightly older collection of stars including Susan Sarandon, Richard Jenkins, and Julie Christie. The film is pulling in the gruff and grumbling Chris Cooper, and the kempt and cerebral Stanley Tucci. And somewhere along the line, Nick Nolte found his way into this production. And now, expansion continues, with a wide variety of new supporting actors:

Anna Kendrick (born 1985): The tragicomic firefly known best for the Twilight films, but most astonishing in movies like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and (especially) 50/50. Also, Up in the Air.

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Sam Elliott (born 1944): The slow-speaking cowboy who has played to much applause the Wise Old Man figure in many a film (immortalized, to my generation, as the Stranger in The Big Lebowski). Also, Up in the Air.

Terrence Howard (born 1969): A stalwart supporting player in hits including Iron Man, CrashMr. Holland’s Opus and The Best Man (and possibly its upcoming sequel).

Brendan Gleeson (born 1955): Harry Potter fans will reognize Gleeson as Professor MadEye Moody, although his career has included roles in Gangs of New YorkTroy and In Bruges.

Jackie Evancho (born 2000): Um, she’s eleven. So…not much yet on the movie front for her. But this is where it all begins.

Who knows what other actors will be drafted to the all-encompassing army of The Company You Keep cast? YOU could be next!

Source: Comingsoon

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