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The Magnificently Terrifying Javier Bardem Confirmed for ‘Bond 23’

Javier BardemJavier Bardem. The man has a presence so ominous, so demonic, so dastardly and dark, that you can’t help but shudder when he looms into a scene. This tour de force of villainous acting drains the comfort from a well-lit set with just a momentary blinkless gaze. And now, the No Country for Old Men star’s wicked talents have earned him entry into the most prominent league of cinematic antagonists: Bardem will play a Bond villain in the upcoming film Bond 23.

Although this has been rumored for quite some time, there is still little known about which character Bardem will be playing…other than the fact that he’ll be a hell-sent warlord of unparalleled horror…probably. As he is a Bond villain, Bardem’s character may be ill-fated from the start. However, this could be the tide that turns the dynasty. Will James Bond (Daniel Craig) actually lose this time around? He might. Daniel Craig is no slouch, but I’d bet a pretty (money)penny on Bardem to take him down with sheer scowlitude any day of the week.

Do you have it in you, Sam Mendes, to make this the film where James Bond doesn’t get his man, and is, as a matter of fact, the man gotten? Ambitious, unruly, unprecedented! But…no. As awesome as Javier Bardem is, nobody’s going to want to see him take down James Bond. Unless they pull some kind of Empire Strikes Back stuck-in-catatonia cliffhanger ordeal. Now that‘s a Bond movie I’d see! But of course, I’d see any Bond movie. We all would.

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On a serious note, Bardem is working on a documentary to publicize the travesties undergone by the inhabitants of a Western Sahara community. A war over territory has made refugees of many of the civilians. Bardem explains the severe situation in the video below and discusses his related film project.  

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Source: ABC Nightline via Comingsoon

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