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12 Forgotten Roles Stars Played as Kids

Leonardo Dicaprio, Critters 3New Line Cinema

Some child actors burst onto the scene in such a big way that even after they grow up and start taking on adult roles, it’s impossible to forget where we first saw them. It’s easy to see Lindsay Lohan now and picture her as the ponytailed twin heroines of Disney’s The Parent Trap. It’s also not hard to remember little Drew Barrymore screaming at ET or young Anna Paquin’s nervousness at the Oscars after The Piano.  

The parts played by other stars back when they were first starting out as youngsters in Hollywood, however, aren’t as easy to recall. For most, it was just a small role that helped fill out a resume and for others it was a sizable part, in a few cases opposite actors who had themselves been child stars. Check out these roles that Hollywood’s elite played on the silver screen before they were out of their teen years.

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GALLERY: 12 Forgotten Roles Played by Now Famous Actors When They Were Kids

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