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Ed Helms Takes on Dual Roles in ‘El Mac’ Remake

ALTEd Helms has a broad comedic range, but thanks to his stand out role in NBC’s The Office, he’s found himself typecast as the timid do-gooder who’s, more often that not, terrified of the craaaaazy world around him. The Hangover, The Goods, Cedar Rapids—he’s carved out the niche of Mr. Nice Guy because he’s brilliant at it.

Now Helms aims to be the foil to his own straight man in a remake of the french comedy Le Mac, which will see the actor playing twins—one being his usual mild mannered character type and the other, a wild, Scarface-type criminal. In the original, the unadventurous banker is forced to impersonate his devilish brother and the results, as you may expect, are hilarious.

The movie will be written by Johnny Rosenthal, a relative unknown who is also in the process of penning a sequel to Bad Santa.

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While the premise sounds a bit like an Eddie Murphy comedy that never was, an Americanized Le Mac could be the perfect way for Helms to breakout of his mold and diversify. I for one am pumped to see the actor made up like the original film’s gangster:


Source: Variety

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