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Has ‘The Three Stooges’ Found the First Stooge?

Will Sasso StoogesOkay, so the Farrellys‘ next Moe isn’t Cher, but she has been attempting to tweet her way to a role in the highly anticipated film which isn’t weird or desperate at all.  No, with Johnny Knoxville thrown out of the running, reports now say that comedic actor Will Sasso is the front-runner for one of the iconic roles in The Three Stooges. We’ve seen quite the run-around with the casting for this film, which is surely no easy task. With a trio as memorable and influential as the Stooges, you can’t simply throw three funny men together and hope it works. It’s got to be just right.

Sasso’s been on the ambiguous shortlist for a while and as The Hollywood Reporter says, “some bloggers” are saying he’s best for Curly, because well, LOOK at the guy. He soitenly doesn’t look like Moe or Larry. I’m all for interesting casting but come on, the guy is kind of made to play Curly. Plus, his style of comedy is already akin to the role. Sasso has yet to seal the deal, but I hope it sticks so we can get on with the casting and move on to the nyuck-nyuck-nyucking.

Source: THR

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