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International ‘Paul’ Trailer Debuts

Hooray for international trailers! Hooray for sensible policies toward what you can and can’t show on television! Hooray for a talking alien that smokes pot and talks about getting laid and is voiced by Seth Rogen! Hooray for another Simon Pegg and Nick Frost movie! Hooray for another Greg Mottola movie! Hooray for all of these things coming together in one beautiful trailer! Hooray!

The international trailer for Paul shows us more of the comedy we can expect from the film. We got Pegg and Frost’s nerdiness that is rampant through their past films Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. We have Mottola’s handle on humor that is evident in his earlier film Superbad as well as his casting staples Rogen and Kristen Wiig. The one thing that we haven’t seen is the raw emotion that Mottola infuses within all of his films, but considering Adventureland‘s marketing they probably couldn’t find a way to put into the trailer without losing the flow. Oh well, it still looks amazing.

Watch the embedded video while you can. It’s officially on the UK Yahoo Movies page which won’t let us embed for some reason (maybe they don’t want people to share their advertisement and get the word out?) so if this video doesn’t work, head over there.

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Source: Yahoo!

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