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Is The ‘Avatar 4’ Speculation Premature?

AvatarRemember that tiny, independent, art-house film that James Cameron put out a few years ago called Avatar? It did alright in the theaters so you maybe heard it discussed by all the coffeehouse nerds that wear berets and talk about things like “integrity in filmmaking.” Well, anyway, the nice people over in Cameron-land have decided to do a solid for the 3 or so fans of the film and create a sequel for each one! Yes, that’s right: Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 are in the works! Crazy, right? For such a tiny film with so little interest from the general public, it’s very surprising they would go this route.

But that’s not even the biggest news here: rumor is there is a potential 4th fan of the franchise, so to be fair to that person, there may be a FOURTH sequel in the works! But, according to new dish from a producer, nothing is confirmed yet.

While it seems that the reports are semi-conflicting and there may be hope yet for a fourth Avatar film (Cameron has said he is in the “Avatar business” now), if anything does happen it’s way, way far off. According to the Courier-Post, Avatar producer Jon Landau explained that while plans are in motion to shoot the other two sequels back-to-back, the potential fourth film will not happen in the same fashion. Or potentially at all.

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The rumors of a fourth sequel began when star Sigourney Weaver reportedly claimed to be setting up shop to work on three consecutive films focusing on the world of blue people. Cameron seemed to corroborate this story when he explained to The New York Times that he was “making Avatar 2, Avatar 3, maybe Avatar 4.” However, in another interview with the Times, Cameron explained that while the speculation for a fourth film was “premature,” it wasn’t totally ruled out, either.

So while those 3 or 4 fans of the world of Pandora may have to wait until 2015 for the second film, don’t stop believing (hold onto that feeling!) and maybe the ruler of the blue universe (bluniverse?) will bestow another gift upon you soon enough.

Do you think Cameron is going overboard planning for 2 or 3 sequels at a time? Will Avatar 4 ever get made? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

[Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox]

Follow Alicia on Twitter @alicialutes


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