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Paul Dano Possibly Joins ‘Looper’

Paul DanoPaul Dano, the veritable actor from such acclaimed films as Little Miss Sunshine, There Will Be Blood, and The Girl Next Door, is in talks to join the sci-fi film Looper. The film comes from Rian Johnson, the acclaimed director of Brick and The Brothers Bloom. The film follows a group of hitmen who get their targets from THE FUTURE. An interesting twist and considering the talent of the director, Dano, and the other cast members (Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Emily Blunt), this could be a really good movie. Like really good. Gordon-Levitt was really amazing in Brick and Blunt and Dano are two of the best young actors around.

But you know what would make this movie even better? If it were about Fruit Loops addicted teens. Sure you might like the hitmen with assignments from the future, but what if they were addicted to the Loops?

Or what if it were about a world ravaged by Lupus and it was up to the Loopers to cure the whole world?

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Ooh! If they wanted to get a little cross promotion stuff going on, they could make it about life size Hot Wheels and Dano is the first person to attempt to make it around “The Loop.”

Those are silly though. Want something more dramatic? Looper is the name of the family dog and its up to the youngest son to donate his blood marrow to save the dog. And his parents are about to be divorced.

Alas, these are too main stream. We need something striking and avant garde and indie. How about its the same thirty second loop of film but varied slightly throughout the four hour run time? Each different viewing makes us question whether or not there are alternate realities all around us and parallel universes exist, I swear!

Look, I’m sure this film will be awesome. But let’s not confine ourselves to the standard “I’m a hitman and I got this assignment from the future” angle. We have a box here, let’s think outside of it.

Source: ComingSoon

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