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Pixar Shares The Plot From The ‘Monsters Inc’ Prequel

Monsters Inc SullyOkay, so figuring out the plot of the highly anticipated Monsters Inc. prequel, Monsters University, isn’t exactly rocket science. We can figure out that it’s a backstory that will feature our two favorite monsters, Mike and Sully (partially in thanks to the fact that we’ve learned Billy Crystal and John Goodman are set to return), we simply didn’t know in what capacity.

Now, thanks to a little announcement on the Disney blog, we know that Mike and Sully weren’t always the best of friends. We find them in college (hence the University part of the title), where they learn to overcome their differences and find friendship, however unlikely. It’s a really simple plot and it makes sense for the duo since they really are a classic example of mismatched best friends.

I’m happy to see the folks at Pixar aren’t trying to go too big with this sequel. The original Monsters was absolutely perfect, so I feared they’d try to top it in this prequel, but it seems they’re really aiming for simple fun with the characters we all know and love. And that sounds just fine to me.

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Source: The Disney Blog

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