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The ‘Magic Mike’ Boys Finally Get Naked — TRAILER



Well, ladies and gentlemen…you wanted more Magic Mike, and more is what you’ve been given. So many (manly?) butts, so little time. America, this is why we fight for freedom: freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom to have ice cream for dinner, and freedom of the butts.

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Except that, well, these new trailers are from the UK, where they are scientifically more adamant about their flying buttresses. So we should thank them for their service to better the worldwide community with the magic presented below. But hey, at least the guys are wearing star-spangled undies, am I right?! U-S-A! U-S-A! If 2012 is really the year that the world is ending, at least we know we had fun. Because we had Magic Mike, and we had Channing Tatum, Matthew McConaughey, Matt Bomer, Alex Pettyfer, and Joe Manganiello‘s exquisite derrières at the end. And that is certainly good enough.

Steven Soderbergh really did us all a solid on this one–to say nothing of the fact that this is all loosely based on Chan Crawford Channing’s real life? Well, icing: meet cake. Everything here is good.

Check out the NSFW (unless you, too, work as a stripper, in which case this stuff is like a spreadsheet to you) red band trailers below and get ready to get even more excited about this movie, because they’ve just given us at least five more reasons.

Oh yeah, and did I mention there are naked rear ends in this? Oh, OK. Just checking.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you! And don’t say we never gave you anything, either.

Magic Mike opens in the US on June 29th.

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[Digital Spy]

[Image: Warner Brothers]

Follow Alicia on Twitter @alicialutes


‘Magic Mike’: Black Tie Optional, Other Clothes Prohibited — POSTER

20 ‘Magic Mike’ Photos That Will Make You Drool

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‘Magic Mike’: Channing Tatum & Alex Pettyfer Find Themselves, Lose Their Clothes — TRAILER

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