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‘The Office’ Writers Brought In To Polish ‘The Game’

Lee Eisenberg and Gene StupnitskyThe Office is one of the most writer friendly shows out there (save for like 30 Rock). Toby, Ryan, and Kelly are all writers and producers for the show. In fact, Paul Lieberstein (Toby) is the show’s current showrunner, which means he is the one in charge. I bet Michael Scott would hate that.

Anyway, remember the Vance Refrigeration delivery guys? The ones who left the joint that Dwight found, sold Michael the salad as weed for $500, and came into the cafe disco ’cause there were girls? That’s Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky, two writers on the show. They’ve had a few feature film projects but their latest is an assignment to punch up The Game.

The Game has been around for a while and been through several other sets of writers. The film focuses on the recent trend of picking up girls (which since humans have been around for several thousands of years, we’ve obviously figured it out some how) and seems to be a raunchier dating romantic comedy.

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Eisenberg and Stupnitsky’s previous feature film was the fairly underwhelming Year One. They’re next project is Bad Teacher with Jason Segel and Justin Timberlake. And considering there aren’t two people I’d rather hang out with than them, I’m really excited for that film. The Game, eh, not so much.

Source: The Playlist

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