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What the Future Holds for ‘Harry Potter’s’ Youthful Cast

While nearly every actor in England turned out for a role in the Harry Potter series, the majority of the film focused on a group of young, unknown actors. With a decade’s worth of fantasy blockbusters under their belts and the final installment, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 exploding into theaters this Friday, here’s a look at what’s in store for the soon-to-be Hogwarts graduates:

daniel radcliffeDaniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter)

The star of the Harry Potter series, Radcliffe is the actor most assured of future success. The twenty-two year old broke the typecasting boundary with his surprising turn in the play Eqqus in 2008, and is proving his Broadway chops again with his leading role in the Tony-winning How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. Radcliffe is already set to appear in some post-Potter films, including the upcoming supernatural thriller The Woman In Black, and indie comedy The Amateur Photographer. We’re not worried about Radcliffe succumbing to the Mark Hamill Curse, an actor who never quite took off post-Star Wars (although, he’s certainly getting plenty of work as one of my favorite voice actors).

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emma watsonEmma Watson (Hermione Granger)

The leading lady of the Potter films, Emma Watson has been keeping busy. The only member of the main trio to continue school, Watson has been attending Brown University in the US and acting part-time. The young actor is set to start filming The Perks of Being a Wallflower this summer, and will appear in My Week With Marilyn, due out this November. Watson has also parleyed her acting success into the world of fashion, partnering with Burbury in 2009 to model for their Autumn/Winter catalogue. She also worked as a creative advisor for a line of clothing with People Tree. It’s probable that Watson is on her way to becoming a fashion icon.

rupert grintRupert Grint (Ron Weasley)

Something of the dark horse of the trio, Rupert Grint hasn’t had as much success outside the world of Harry Potter as his co-stars. Still, the actor has had a number of roles in small independent films, including Cherrybomb, Wild Target and Driving Lessons. Grint is set to make his post-Potter premiere as the lead in Norwegian independent film Comrade, due out in 2012. We hope that the actor’s red-headed charisma will pull him through.

tom feltonTom Felton (Draco Malfoy)

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Tom Felton may have made it big playing smug, jerk-face Draco Malfoy, but the actor actually came into the series with more experience than any of the other child actors. From the looks of it, he’s planning on maintaining that workload post-Potter —  he’s currently cast in five films in different stages of production. His next is this summer’s Rise of the Planet of the Apes, in which he plays another Draco-like villain. We’re not sure yet if Felton has the charm to pull off a heroic lead on his own, but at the very least, there’s plenty of demand for sneering villains. At least, until that guy who plays Joffrey on Games of Thrones grows up and starts providing competition.

bonnie wrightBonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley)

Wright is one of the youngest of the Potter bunch, but she’s keeping up with the best of them. Currently a film student at the University of London, the former Weasley plans to continue acting. At the moment, Wright is filming the mind-bending thriller The Philosophers in Jakarta, and will appear in a short film in the upcoming Geography of the Hapless Heart. She has also followed in Emma Watson’s footsteps, gaining a reputation as a fashionista and taking part in Katie Eary’s show during London Fashion Week. Wright has one heck of a souveneer to take away from the Potter set- she’s currently engaged to co-star Jamie Campbell Bower, who plays the younger version of Grindelwald in the seventh and eighth films.

matthew lewisMatthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom)

Like Daniel Radcliffe, Matthew Lewis made a transition to stage after finishing the last film. Lewis recently finished his role in a touring production of Agatha Cristie’s Verdict, and also wrapped up filming on upcoming independent film The Sweet Shop, described as a “romantic comedy with a twist.” Along with his acting career, Lewis is a member of small indie rock band The Transmission, in which he plays guitar. Where ever the rest of his career takes him, I hope he won’t have to wear fake teeth and ear extenders anymore.

evanna lynchEvanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood)

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Evanna Lynch was a relatively recent addition to the Potter cast, but she’s made a big impression. A huge Harry Potter fan herself, Lynch has remained active with the fan community, working with the Harry Potter alliance on behalf of gay rights. While the actress has no current projects in the works, she plans to return to acting after she finishes college, and perhaps explore the stage.

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