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10 Greatest Movie Freakouts of All-Time

Sometimes things get a little too real and you’ve got no option but to totally freak out. It’s cool. Meltdowns happen now and then. You’re no less human for giving in and letting the world know you’re mad as hell and you just can’t take it anymore. That’s exactly what happened in these ten movie scenes. Watch as Nicolas Cage totally loses it in Vampire’s Kiss and Arnold Schwarzenegger shows a room full of belligerent kids what’s up in Kindergarten Cop. If you’re already mad about something, these moments may very well make you feel a little better!

1. Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) finally snapped and went after his wife Wendy during a chase that’s super creepy and painful to watch in The Shining

Warner Bros./GIPHY
Warner Bros./GIPHY

2. After being totally convinced he’s a vampire for half the movie, Nicolas Cage finally goes off the deep end in Vampire’s Kiss.

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Hemdale Film Corporation/GIPHY
Hemdale Film Corporation/GIPHY

3. What more could Charlton Heston do except totally rage out after discovering that humans really did discover the earth in Planet of the Apes?

20th Century Fox/GIPHY
20th Century Fox/GIPHY

4. Arnold Schwarzenegger tried valiantly to keep his cool in a room full of a kids in Kindergarten Cop, but in the end he couldn’t hack it. Ain’t hatin’. 

Universal Pictures/GIPHY
Universal Pictures/GIPHY

5. Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest is an abusive and terrifying adoptive mother to young Christina. Her craziest moment is when she finds one of Christina’s dresses in the closet on a wire hanger. 

Paramount Pictures/GIPHY
Paramount Pictures/GIPHY

6. Brad Pitt is visibly disgusted and has a miniature meltdown when he finds out the answer to “what’s in the box” in serial killer thriller Se7en

New Line CInema/GIPHY
New Line CInema/GIPHY

7. Billy Zane’s character in Demon Knight has been masquerading as a cowboy so long in this podunk town that he has to make fun of the lifestyle before “condemning” the property.

Universal Pictures
Universal Pictures

8. Johnny (Tommy Wiseau) just couldn’t take Lisa’s lies any longer in The Room and uttered his famous line: “You’re tearing me APART, Lisa!” 

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Wiseau Films/GIPHY
Wiseau Films/GIPHY

9. The guys in Office Space couldn’t take one more second of this malfunctioning printer, so they decided to smash it to pieces in this epic scene. 

20th Century Fox/GIPHY
20th Century Fox/GIPHY

10. Finally, Network gave us this historic line after Howard Beale (Peter Finch) gave his impassioned speech about why life sucks. And we’re still using it today when we freak out, too. 

Metro-Goldwyn Mayer/GIPHY
Metro-Goldwyn Mayer/GIPHY
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