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14 Best Scenes From Judd Apatow Movies

There are two things you can expect from any Judd Apatow movie: memorable scenes that’ll keep you laughing for days, and a runtime that’s about 30 minutes too long. But we forgive that last part, because more Judd comedy is always a good thing in our books. Just from watching the trailer, we’re already predicting our favorite moments from Trainwreck, Apatow’s new movie starring Amy Schumer (out July 17). Let’s look back on some of our other favorite scenes from movies he’s directed and/or produced.

1. The chest waxing scene in The 40-Year-Old Virgin:

Universal Pictures/cracked.tumblr.com
Universal Pictures/cracked.tumblr.com

2. The big reveal in Knocked Up, and Seth Rogen’s perfect reaction:

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Universal Pictures/bigronfilmreviews.tumblr.com
Universal Pictures/bigronfilmreviews.tumblr.com

3. McLovin’…need we say more?

Columbia Pictures/rnonumentour.tumblr.com
Columbia Pictures/rnonumentour.tumblr.com

4. Ben and Pete’s hilarious acid trip in Knocked Up:

Universal Pictures/acid--flow.tumblr.com
Universal Pictures/acid–flow.tumblr.com

5. Jason Segel’s full-frontal scene in Forgetting Sarah Marshall:

Universal Pictures/reactiongifs.com
Universal Pictures/reactiongifs.com

6. The “you know how you know you’re gay” scene in The 40-Year-old Virgin:

Universal Pictures/GIPHY
Universal Pictures/GIPHY

7. When Pete made this true life statement in Knocked Up:

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Universal Pictures/ramblingchild13.tumblr.com
Universal Pictures/ramblingchild13.tumblr.com

8. Ron Burgundy in a glass case of emotion in Anchorman:

DreamWorks Pictures/GIPHY
DreamWorks Pictures/GIPHY

9. Superbad‘s Disney reference for the win:

Columbia Pictures/indie-cinema.tumblr.com
Columbia Pictures/indie-cinema.tumblr.com

10. The Pineapple Express car chase:

Columbia Pictures/don-ramona.tumblr.com
Columbia Pictures/don-ramona.tumblr.com

11. Judd Apatow and Leslie Mann’s real life kids in This Is 40:

Universal Pictures/mattkeortge.com
Universal Pictures/mattkeortge.com

12. The bag of sand analogy in The 40-Year-Old Virgin:

Universal Pictures/totalfilm.tumblr.com
Universal Pictures/totalfilm.tumblr.com

13. When Brennan and Dale become best friends in Step Brothers:

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Columbia Pictures/bethgittings.tumblr.com
Columbia Pictures/bethgittings.tumblr.com

14. And this. We’ll leave you with this:

What’s YOUR favorite scene from a Judd Apatow movie? Are you seeing Trainwreck this weekend?

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