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Jason Schwartzman Signs Up For Wes Anderson’s ‘Moonrise Kingdom’

Jason SchwartzmanWe knew it was only a matter of time. Jason Schwartzman has just been added to the list of known cast members for Wes Anderson’s latest project, Moonrise Kingdom. The film is set to start production in Rhode Island in Spring and thanks to a local casting agency’s list and SlashFilm, we know know that Schwartzman is set to join Ed Norton, Frances McDormond, Tilda Swinton, Bruce Willis and (of course) Bill Murray for the film set in the 60s.

We’re not sure who Schwartzman is playing, but the film is the story of two young adults (yet to be cast but likely to be unknowns) who run away and the townspeople that lead a search to find them. Of course, each of these big names will play different town folk roles from Norton as the search party leader, to Willis as the Sheriff who’s doing the young girl’s mother (McDormand) on the side, to Murray who will (of course) be the girl’s screwed up father. The script comes from Anderson and his buddy Roman Coppola — a.k.a. the dynamic duo that brought us one of the best Anderson movies out there, The Darjeeling Limited — and with the addition of Schwartzman to an already stellar cast we can be sure this film will be worth waiting for.

Source: /Film

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