1. What was stuffed into Jimmy’s mouth after Christopher and Silvio shot him?
2. What was the name of the nursing home to which Livia was admitted?
3. On the big screen, James Gandolfini starred with one particular celeb three times. Who was it?
4. What is the name of the Web site that Meadow visits to find out about Tony’s real occupation?
5. Although acting is now her thing, what was Lorraine Bracco’s (Dr. Melfi) first career choice?
6. In season two, what colleges did Meadow get accepted into?
7. Which “Sopranos” bad boy had to serve jail time in real life?
8. What is the name of the screenplay that Christopher attempts to write?
9. What is a “goomah”?
10. Before “Sopranos,” James Gandolfini appeared in a Broadway play in 1992. What was it?
11. Which star of “The Sopranos” won the Golden Globe for best actress in a TV drama in 1999?
12. Which Soprano considers himself chaste and disagrees with premarital relations?
13. Which Soprano star handed the directing of “Summer of Sam” over to Spike Lee, claiming the project was too big for him to handle?
14. Which of the Mafioso men has a real-life girlfriend who works at the United Nations?
15. Which actor in “The Sopranos” co-starred with Denzel Washington in The Hurricane” back in 1999?
16. James Gandolfini recommended a long-time friend for a part in “The Sopranos.” Who was that friend?
17. What is the name of the bar that serves as Tony’s mob headquarters?
The Answers:
1. A rat; 2. Green Grove Retirement Community; 3. Gandolfini worked with John Travolta in “Get Shorty” (1995), “She’s So Lovely” (1997) and “A Civil Action” (1998). Not only that, but when the two stars were kids, Gandolfini’s dad bought car tires from Travolta’s father.; 4. “Megabytes of Bad Guys”; 5. After she graduated from high school, Bracco relocated to France in hopes of becoming a fashion model. Extra: She is divorced from Harvey Keitel and is now married to Edward James Olmos.; 6. BU, NYU and Berkeley; 7. Tony Sirico, who plays Paulie Walnuts, served time in real life for burglarizing nightclubs. Despite his time in the lockup, he has managed to make over 40 films, including “Goodfellas” and “The Godfather.”; 8. “You Bark, I’ll Bite”; 9. A Mafia mistress; 10. Gandolfini performed in Tennessee Williams’ “A Streetcar Named Desire” alongside Alec Baldwin and Jessica Lange.; 11. Edie Falco (Carmela); 12. James Gandolfini; 13. Michael Imperioli (Christopher); 14. Dominic Chianese (Uncle Junior), who began his career as a cabaret singer, is going steady with Jane Pittson, 52, a program officer at the United Nations headquarters.; 15. Vinny Pastore (Salvatore “Big Pussy” Bompensiero); 16. Aida Turturro, who plays the part of Janice, Tony’s sister; 17. Bada-Bing.