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This is the last story you’ll see from us about Donald Trump. Here’s why.

You know his name all too well.

Donald Trump has been making headlines for years, well before his time as president.

The news is rarely good, and we’ve had enough.

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That’s why this is the last story you’ll ever see from us about anyone with the name Trump.

We know it’s important for you to be informed about what’s going on in the world. We aren’t here to tell you to ignore the news cycle or encourage toxic positivity. The truth is, you see enough negative news while scrolling your screen.

We don’t want you to come to Hollywood.com to read stories that you can find on any other entertainment news site. That’s why we’re reimagining Hollywood.com as a place where entertainment news actually entertains you.

We want you to come to Hollywood.com to escape the negative news cycle. Consider us an entertainment oasis, with real, feel-good stories that wrap you up like a cozy blanket.

Just like the allure of old Hollywood, Hollywood.com is your escape from reality, but with real stories.

From now on, we pledge to stop posting about celeb break-ups and surface-level gossip.

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From now on, we’re focusing on uplifting stories that don’t always get the spotlight they deserve. We’re celebrating the good found in all kinds of celebrities––not just the stars you see on the big screen––and we’re expanding our definition of celebrities to encompass all of the people who capture our hearts and minds. Celebrities may not be “just like us,” but they are real people, too.

Why us, and why now?

We really do love Hollywood. The proof is in our name.

We were the first site to nationally list movie theater showtimes back in the 90s. Over 20 years later, we continue to be a national leader for Hollywood content and an abundance of videos including movie trailers, interviews, and photographs.

When looking at the entertainment media landscape, we realized that most major sites––including us, up until now––just skim the surface of what happens in Hollywood. I mean, who can blame anyone, when that’s what gets clicks, likes, and shares?

The thing is, if you know and love Hollywood like we do, you know Hollywood is more than just lip fillers and fashion faux pas.

The real Hollywood is in all of us. It’s in our day-long binge watches while we escape the neverending news cycle. It’s in our virtual watch parties with friends and family across the country. It’s in the eyes of our kids as they experience their first movie in theaters. It’s in our choreographed TikTok dances, our wholesome memes, the Spongebob gifs we share in the group chat. It’s in our memories of weekend nights at the movie theater.

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The truth is, everything you love about Hollywood couldn’t exist without you. And that’s why we’re here to share the good in Hollywood. Check back here every Wednesday to see What’s Good in The ‘Wood.

We put the good in Hollywood, and we want you to be a part of it, too. Our new app (coming soon!) gives you a fast and easy way to buy movie tickets so you can support the industry that couldn’t exist without you. Follow us on Instagram for more Hollygood news.

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