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Robin Williams’ Daughter Shaken By Hoax Death Picture

Zelda Williams, Robin WilliamsAdriana M. Barraza / WENN

Robin Williams’ grieving daughter has urged fans of the funnyman not to open a Twitter link to a hoax photo of what sick pranksters insist is the dead body of her dad.

Zelda Williams was clearly shaken after learning a photo of a strangulation victim who resembled her father had been lifted from a Spanish-language website and posted online – as the late Oscar winner.

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She tweeted, “I’m shaking. I can’t. Please. Twitter requires a link and I won’t open it. Don’t either. Please.”

She later deleted the tweet and apologised to followers, stating, “I should’ve risen above.”

Zelda has since announced she is taking a break from social media after she was sent hurtful messages about the death of her father, who passed away in an apparent suicide at his home in California on Monday (11Aug14).

In a post on Instagram.com on Tuesday (12Aug14), she wrote, “I will be leaving this account for a bit while I heal and decide if I’ll be deleting it or not. In this difficult time, please try to be respectful of the accounts of myself, my family and my friends. Mining our accounts for photos of dad, or judging me on the number of them is cruel and unnecessary. There are a couple throughout, but the real private moments I shared with him were precious, quiet, and believe it or not, not full of photos or ‘selfies’.”

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