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Sunday: ‘The Wire’

[IMG:L]The Wire — 9/8c on HBO

Has there ever been a less hyped series finale?

The Wire could cut to black faster than David Chase’s Sopranos finale and no one would ever hear or speak of it.

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And yet, The Wire’s lack of recognition has been as much a theme as the crime (the lack of viewership IS a crime!), so it’s fitting to end on such a quiet note. In fact, it would seem that the constantly raving critics are the only viewers. But I digress.

Five short, little-seen seasons after HBO’s Baltimore-based drama debuted to low ratings, it comes to a close tonight.

In the series finale, McNulty (Dominic West) tries to wrap up the homeless case; Dukie (Jermaine Crawford) hopes to find an old mentor; and Carcetti (Megan Anderson) reacts to a damaging report.

Of course, with a show that consistently offers surprises, there’s sure to be more going here than usual, especially given its special hour-and-a-half run time. Here’s hoping that, like The Sopranos, not everything concludes tidily just because the series is ending. Pretty safe bet.

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