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The Worst New Show on TV and Other Highlights

StalkerCBS Broadcasting

Here are this week’s highlights from VH1, Celebuzz, Flavorwire, and Hollywood.com.

What not to watch
Every fall season, we’re bound to get a few particularly foul new entries. According to Flavorwire, the superlative for Worst Show of the Season goes indubitably to CBS’ Stalker. Find out why!

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Grande vs. Teigen
As popular as Ariana Grande seems to be, it looks like she has amounted one or two detractors. VH1 chronicles Chrissy Teigen’s alleged tossing of shade at the young singer. Pick your sides, world!

Lena Dunham opens up
Speaking on one of the most personal accounts in her very personal upcoming book, Lena Dunham revealed that she was date raped in college. You can read some of the young writer and actress’ candid expressions about the terrible incident at Celebuzz.

Are you the Cory or the Topanga?
Finally, right here at Hollywood.com, we’ve got a quick checklist to determine if you and your significant other are, in fact, a TV couple.

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