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Johnny Depp Is Withholding Amber Heard’s $7 Million Divorce Settlement

Johnny Depp, Amber Heard

This summer, after a highly public and extremely painful divorce hearing, Amber Heard and Johnny Depp finally reached a settlement. Heard pledged to donate the entirety of her $7 million settlement to The ACLU and Children’s Hospital. Despite her promise, TMZ alleges that the actress hasn’t ponied up a dime; however, it’s not totally what you think. 

TMZ recently published a terribly misleading headline (shocker): “Amber Heard: Children’s Hospital Money MIA.” The publication accused Heard of breaking her promise and made it sound like she decided to keep the cash for herself. In reality, it’s Johnny Depp who’s withholding the money.

Jezebel, the feminist-slanted news site previously owned by the now-defunct Gawker, and New York Magazine both allege that the bogus report has something to do with the fact that TMZ is one of Depp’s closest allies. They questioned whether or not the gossip rag released the misleading report to retaliate against Heard’s domestic violence PSA. All we know for sure is that it appears Depp is withholding the settlement and possibly rethinking the settlement all together.

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Depp has apparently refused to turn any money over to Heard because he wants to make the donations himself. He sent the first installment of the settlement, $200k, in equal shares to Children’s Hospital and the ACLU. Heard was reportedly furious, as she totally should be. Why should Depp reap the tax benefits of her divorce settlement? TMZ also alleges that Johnny Depp is rethinking the entire settlement because Heard appeared in a PSA about domestic violence.

Basically, it sounds like a whole lot of pettiness. Heard’s lawyer told the gossip magazine that Depp is obligated to pay the settlement, and the papers are being finalized this week. Amber will honor her pledge to the two charities, and as much as her PSA hints at Johnny Depp’s abuse, it does not refer to him directly; therefore, it does not violate the confidentiality agreement.

Despite TMZ’s previous claims that Heard hadn’t paid either charity, the actress dolled out $350,000 to the ACLU in good faith that Depp will follow through with his payments once the settlement papers are finalized.

You can view Amber’s PSA below.



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