Run Forrest, run! Run right through this couple’s wedding photos.
In New York, you never know who you’ll run into. There’s probably a slim chance it’ll be Tom Hanks, but then again, life is like a box of chocolate. You never know (unless you read the guide printed at the top of every box). I digress.
Tom Hanks, much like his classic character Forrest Gump, was running through Central Park when he epicly crashed this couple’s wedding photos. We can’t think of anyone we’d like to crash our wedding more (except maybe Bill Murray since he’s a champ at showing up in unexpected places).
According to the photographer Meg Miller who spoke to The Huffington Post, most of the joggers were respectfully staying away from the shoot. At one point she put her camera down to let a guy pass who was running too close to the couple. That guy was Tom Hanks. He “took off his hat, just leaned right into the group and said ‘Hi, I’m Tom Hanks,’” she said.
Tom is an ordained minister, so he offered up his wedding services and asked if they needed anyone to officiate. He congratulated the pair, kissed the bride’s hand and posed for selfies. This whole thing is just so New York!
Hanks even posted a selfie to his Instagram account.
The whole ordeal was over as quickly as it started. According to Miller, Hanks just “sort of took off running. Had he just run past us we would have never known it was him.”