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Elijah Wood Stunned by Gay Photo ‘Revelations’

Elijah Wood is continually stunned by clever cyber pranksters who try to prove
he is gay.

The Lord of the Rings star is often caught out by Web sites with far from
subtle names, like www.veryverygay.com, when he’s surfing the Internet, but
he’s rarely offended.

And, unlike many stars, he isn’t planning any legal action to stop the pranksters–he simply marvels at their creativity.

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He says, “There’s one that’s called elijahwoodisveryverygay (sic), which is
actually a personal favorite of mine, it’s absolutely hilarious.

“It’s this kind of joke Web site that maintains that they have proof that I am
very very gay in various photographs–photographic evidence (of me) holding
hands with a male.”

Even fans of The Lord of the Rings trilogy want the stars of the film to be
homosexual. Wood explains, “(They) want to create moments that they didn’t get to see in
the film, of these characters in sexual congress.

“I was actually at a film festival once… and this fan came up with a
gift… I open the gift in front of all these people that I’m talking to and it
happens to be a photo from one of these Web sites of me and Dominic Monaghan
making sweet love. If you didn’t know any better, it kinda looks real.

“These people have a lot of time on their hands and my hat’s off (to them)
because it’s very good work.”

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