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‘Entourage’ Season Two: Ep. 16 “Oh, Mandy”

Now that Vince is officially slated to star in “Aquaman,” the next order of business is to choose his “Aquagirl” for the film. Several A-list actresses are up for the role, with Mandy Moore, a former flame of Vince’s, on the short-list. Eric and the guys are a little worried since Vince went a little haywire when Mandy dumped him and broke his heart. But Vince doesn’t think working with Mandy will be problematic, until he has dinner with her. Learning that she’s engaged to be married–he asks E to keep her out the film. Vince can’t handle it. Meanwhile, Drama endures a difficult audition (and a brief jail stay after a bout of road rage) but ends up landing a great role.

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