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‘Heroes’ Season 1: Ep. 3 “One Giant Leap”

Nathan betrays Peter by lying to the press, saying Peter has attempted suicide to spare his own campaign image. Peter then confesses his love to Simone, whose father Peter cares for.

Back in Japan, Hiro now believes his must save a cheerleader’s life and convinces Ando to come to New York with him to follow the comic book’s adventure.

Mohinder tries to decipher his father’s coded files and stumbles on the list of people with powers, and a bloody message from Sylar. But when he brings the cops to see it, the apartment has been cleared out.

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Matt proves he can hear thoughts and joins the pursuit of Sylar, who proves impervious to bullets and demonstrates powers of his own. Then Matt comes home and fights with his estranged wife. As he practices his talent at a crowded bar, he comes across The Haitian, whose thoughts he cannot read. Matt passes out.

Isaac continues to try to convince Simone he’s painting the future and ultimately goes back on drugs to continue his craft. Claire goes to a party with the high school quarterback who tries to take advantage of her. In the struggle, Claire gets impaled through the head. She wakes up on an autopsy table when the branch is pulled out and sees her chest opened for examination.

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